2024 Election Gazette


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2024 Election Gazette

In recent weeks the discussions among the Democracy Seminar members have been so illuminating that those who have taken part have decided to meet bi-weekly instead of monthly. We have talked among ourselves about the war in Gaza and its impact on political culture worldwide, the challenges to academic freedom, as well as about recent election results and electoral developments in South Africa, the U.S. and Europe. We have noted how important recent and upcoming elections have been this year. With this in mind, Jeff Isaac and I, with a strong push by Lala Pop, have decided to use the Democracy Seminar site as a space for us to share brief reports about and commentaries on the recent and upcoming elections about which we know best. We have Invited contributions to what we are calling the Democracy Seminar 2024 Election Gazette.

In 1989, as a result of the Round Table negotiations, a new independent, officially recognized, and uncensored newspaper was established by Polish democracy activists – Gazeta Wyborcza (Election Gazette), the newspaper of Solidarność, which played a historic role in the transformation of Polish society and became Poland’s leading newspaper. Although our Gazette clearly won’t be as consequential, we hope it will facilitate an exchange of information and ideas about electoral contests throughout the world in this pivotal year, considering how they will impact the future of democracy.

The Democracy Seminar is “a world wide committee of democratic correspondence.” Correspondents from France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United States have thus far agreed to contribute to the Gazette. Expect their contributions in the coming weeks and months. The first contribution comes from Isaac, responding to troubling developments in the United States. We invite others to join us. Please submit proposals for reports here.

— Jeffrey C. Goldfarb

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Joe_Biden_speaking_about_Preschool_for_All_in_2014.png

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V, June 29, 2024. Florian Pépellin, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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